Rabu, 14 Mei 2008


Convening at the Abou Nawas Hotel in Tunis, the African International Media Summit (AIMS 2008) honored Libya's Nadia Murabet as one of 2008's "Global Achievers" in media, communications and culture. AIMS 2008 was the third annual presentation in an ongoing series promoting the concept of "Rebranding Africa". Ms. Murabet, received the AIMS 2008 "Global Achievers'" award. The award was presented by Dr. Erieka Bennett, Vice-Chair and President of the African Communications Agency and Ms. Adunma Oteh, Vice President for Corporate Services at The African Development Bank, a sponsor of AIMS 2008. ACA's Dr. Bennett described Ms. Murabet as "a true example of the kind of extraordinary professionals in the African Diaspora community whose hearts and minds are focused on uplifting Africa and Africa's image worldwide…." As Ms. Murabet received the award, which had been kept secret from her, ACA's Bennett added, "We are presenting this award to you, Nadia, in recognition of the excellence, creativity and commitment to quality you demonstrate in showcasing Africa's beauty and culture to the world. As you honor Africa, so now does Africa honor you...".In receiving the award Ms. Murabet said "It is our duty as a Diaspora to help with the development of Africa". The annual AIMS conferences bring journalists and other communications and media professionals together from across the African continent and the African Diaspora.Each summit includes the "Living Legends" awards gala. Previous recipients of the award include Nelson Mandela, Kofi Annan, Nobel Laureate Wole Soyinka, Olusegun Obasanjo and the great Muhammad Ali. The "Living Legends" gala is also the setting where the next generation of emerging world leaders are honored as "Global Achievers".

(sumber, The Tripoli Post, 3-9 Mei 2008)

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