Jumat, 27 Februari 2009



Orang yang tidak mampu melihat keagungan di dalam, di balik, dan di ujung pekerjaannya sering digambarkan melalui tokoh pertama dalam kisah ’dua tukang batu’. Dikisahkan ada tukang batu yang bekerja mendirikan bangunan. Tukang batu pertama selalu mengeluh karena bekerja berat dengan gaji sedikit (menurutnya, kurang fasilitas, dsb, makanya konsep kerjanya cuma datang, dan pura-pura bekerja ketika ada pimpinan atau mandor). Tetapi orang kedua melihat lebih jauh daripada membangun tembok. Dia sadar bahwa tembok yang dibangunnya adalah sebuah rumah ibadah. Keasadaran itu menghasilkan sikap dan perasaan bahwa menyusun batu bata yang penuh debu di bawah terik matahari tidak hanya upah (gaji). Tapi dia ’merasakan’ dan menemukan kesempatan mengabdi kepada Tuhan lewat pekerjaan mengaduk semen dan menyusun batu-bata. (Masya Allah..inilah puncak ajaran Islam, bukan hanya ibadah formal saja tapi sudah menyangkut substansi dan inti ajaran agama. Kalau dalam trilogi ajaran Islam sudah berada pada maqam Ihsan. Motivasi seperti inilah yang menjadi lentera dan obor hidup saya. Ketika saya memutuskan untuk menjadi distributor DD Water, usaha air minum yang menjadi salah satu sisi bisnis Dompet Duafa Republika, yang diawali dengan pertemuan saya dengan sahabat lama, Eri Sudewo di Hongkong dan langsung tertarik dan ikut terlibat di dalam meaajukan usaha DD tersebut. Prinsip saya adalah bahwa setiap tegukan air yang masuk ke dalam kerongkongan orang yang minum ada doa kaum dhuafa di dalamnya. Memang banyak yang tidak setuju dengan pilihan saya, bahkan termasuk keluarga dekat. Karena melihat keuntungan yang sangat kecil dari usaha tersebut. Satu truk order, keuntungannya masih lebih besar honor saya mengisi kajian, belum lagi capeknya,dsb. Tapi saya tetap bergeming karena kesadaran tadi. Banyak contoh lain, seperti dikemukakan oleh Ary Ginanjar dalam training ESQ.... Orang yang negative thingking...contoh diatas saya dibilang sok, ego, sombong dll. Payah....kalau orang hatinya fasad (hadis Nabi).

Dalam hal pekerjaan keduanya sama, gaji sama, kondisi kerja sama, dan risikonya pun sama. Yang beda adalah tingkat kesadaran kedua orang tersebut atas hakikat pekerjaan. (Hal ini berlaku pada semua jenis pekerjaan yang dilakukan oleh kita. Tidak kecuali di kantoran pemerintah, swasta, mahasiswa, guru, profesional, dsb). Yang satu hanya melihat tembok, keringat, plus sedikit gaji; sedangkan satu lagi mampu melihat rumah ibadah, bahkan Tuhan, meskipun gajinya sedikit. Kemampuan menyadari bahwa kerja bukan Cuma sekedar mencari duit, melainkan berdimensi keagungan (rohaniyah) memiliki konsekuensi yang amat luas. Kesadaran itu memengaruhi ikatan batin si pekerja dengan pekerjaannya,- apapun jabatannya, - motivasi dan perasaan hatinya, sikap dan kebiasaan kerjanya, kualitas dan kuantitas kerjanya, bahkan kepribadian dan karakter sang pekerja. Bekerja bukan lagi hanya datang dan absensi (saya menemukan pengakuan seseorang yang mengatakan bahwa datang saja itu sudah bekerja....sory ini fakta...tapi gak boleh disebutkan siapa...nanti dibilang sok..sombong..hee..hee... Saya hanya bilang bahwa itu semua adalah pilihan dan setiap pilihan ada pertanggungjawabannya, baik di dunia apa lagi di akherat). Jika landasan dasar filosofis seperti diatas, maka bukan saja hasil kerjanya lebih baik, tetapi sang pekerja kemudian dimanusiakan ke tingkat yang lebih tinggi. Di dunia dia akan dicari untuk posisi yang lebih baik dan di akherat Insya Allah mendapat ganjaran dari Tuhan. Dia menjadi manusia dalam konsep ’Insan’, bukan ’al-Basyar menurut Al-Qur’an (Untuk lebih mendalam, silahkan kaji konsep ’al-Basyar’ dan ’al-Insan’ menurut firman-firman Allah yang berserakan dalam Al-Qur’an).

Jadi, kerja itu adalah ibadah, yang intinya adalah tindakan memberi atau membaktikan harta, waktu, hati, dan fikiran kepada Dia, Tuhan, Allah yang untuk-Nya kita abdikan. Melalui pekerjaan, kita bertumbuh menjadi manusia sehat rohani, (mohon kaji bahwa bahwa manusia banyak yang badannya sehat tapi rohaninya sakit.......namun mereka tidak sadar. Kasihan..tapi biasanya diingetkan lebih marahan mereka), yang kulaitas kepribadian, karakter, dan mentalnya berkembang ke arah yang ilahiyah, rohaniyah dan spritual... Masya Allah..personifiksasi malaikat berbentuk manusia.... Beribadah berarti berbakti dengan segenap hati, mengabdi tuntas penuh totalitas (ajaran agamanya dicontohkan khusyu’ dalam shalat), dan berserah pasrah dengan segenap cinta. Ibadah memerlukan pengorbanan, namun pengorbanan untuk suatu idealisme adalah kebahagiaan, dan pengorbanan yang didorong oleh rasa cinta adalah sukacita; dan buah ibadah seseorang terwujud pada etosnya.

(disarika dari Jansen Sinamo dengan beberapa perubahan dan contoh dari saya. Thanks Mr. Etos...semoga Tuhan bersamamu).



Orang yang bekerja keras mendayagunakan seluruh kemampuan biologis, psikologis, dan spiritual dirinya dengan sendirinya menjadi sehat lahir batin. Karena tuntutan pekerjaan, otak kita dipicu, jantung dipacu, otot direnggangkan, dan kelenjar-kelenjar tubuh mengalir dengan dosis optimal. Hasilnya kita bertambah sehat.

Apabila memandang pekerjaan sebagai wahana yang menyehatkan, maka kita akan mendatangi pekerjaan itu dengan perasaan positif, sama seperti orang datang ke stadion olahraga dengan antusias menonton tim kesayangannya bertanding. Biasanya membayarpun mau. Tapi dalam pekerjaan kitalah yang dibeli karcisnya dan dibayar. Karena itu seharusnya motivasi kerja kita dua kali lebih besar, semangat dua kali lebih tinggi.

Jadi bagaimana mengembangkan etos kerja keras? Pertama, dengan mengembangkan visi sebagai ilham untuk bekerja keras. Kedua, kerja merupakan ongkos mengembangkan benih keagungan dalam diri kita yang sekaligus juga berarti pengembangan diri kita. Ketiga, bekerja keras itu baik karena menyehatkan dan menguatkan diri kita. Keempat, mengembangkan falsafah kerja keras sebagai metoda mencapai keberhasilan yang lebih besar, suskses yang lebih tinggi dan pencapaian yang lebih hebat. Falsafah ini sering diartikan sebagai motto dan kata mutiara, seperti berikut:

1. Siapapun bisa selamat di laut yang tenang, tapi sang pemenang hanya mereka yang bertahan ketika gelombang badai menerjang.
2. Kerja keras adalah usaha luhur untuk menggali potensi maksimum diri dan lingkungan kita. (resikonya dibilang ’sok’, sombong, angkuh, dan macam-macam dari orang yang berfikir negatif....heee...heee).
3. Kerja keras, keyakinan, dan fokus adalah trilogi kunci menuju keberhasilan.
4. Meratapi masa lalu adalah kesia-sian, karena yang lalu mustahil kembali, dan yang akan datang tak mungkin dihindari dan harus dihadapi.
5. Mengeluhkan sesuatu adalah kebuntuan. Karena sebenarnya, itu adalah pertanda rendahnya semangat, lemahnya tekad, dan kurangnya niat untuk bekerja keras.
6. Bekerja keras mendaki gunung keberhasilan akan memperluas cakrawala pandang dan memperkaya pengalaman.
7. Orang-orang luar biasa memiliki satu persamaan: memiliki misi yang jelas dan komitmen yang kuat untuk mewujudkannya sehingga kerja keras merupakan kenikmatan.
8. Salah satu kenikmatan terbesar dalam hidup adalah mewujudkan apa yang kata orang mustahil dicapai dengan bantuan kecerdasan dan kerja keras.
9. Kegagalan bukanlah lonceng peringatan sudah waktunya kita menyerah, melainkan pertanda bahwa sudah saatnya kita mengubah pendekataan secara cerdas dan cerdik.
10. Tak ada sukses yang berarti tanpa kerja keras, keringat, dan air mata.
11. Jangan berkecil hati karena menjumpai halangan, karena bahkan batu penghalang pun bisa menjadi batu loncatan menuju keberhasilan.

Dikutip dari Janson H. Sinamo, guru etos Indonesia, seorang yang secara agama bukan seorang Muslim, tapi ’Islam’ dalam makna generik, karena perenungann yang dikebangkannya selama ini sebenarnya merupakan inti sari kedalaman Al-Qur’an (Iqra’). Sedangkan kita, umat Islam baru pada tahap ’pembacaan’ (Utlu). Padahal wahyu pertamanya berbunyi ’Iqra’, Cuma umat lain yang meng’iqra’nya.

Kamis, 26 Februari 2009


Text of Leader of the Revolution at opening of 3rd Meeting of the Forum of Regional and Sub-regional Organizations to Promote Cooperation Between UNESCO and AU

Tripoli, 24.2.2009

The Leader of the Revolution, Chairman of the African Union inaugurated today the 3rd meeting of the Forum of Regional and Sub-regional Organisations to Promote Cooperation Between UNESCO and African Union.
The conference is hosted by the Community of Sahel Saharan States CEN-SAD.
The opening was attended by President Yayi Boni, the incumbent President of CEN-SAD.
It was also attended by the Director General of UNESCO "Koichiro Matsura" and AU Social and Cultural Commissioner as well as the Secretary General of CEN-SAD.

The Secretary of CEN-SAD thanked at the beginning of the session the people's committees and the National Committee for Education, Science and Culture for their support for the convention of the meeting.
He also thanked the World Islamic Call Society which chairs the Nepad committee in UNESCO and made an effort in preparing for the conference.
The AU Commissioner for Social and Cultural Commissioner called for a minute silence over the victims of the assault on the Burundian soldiers in the Somalia capital.
She expressed deep appreciation for the Jamahiriya and pride of the Leader of the Revolution ,highlighting the role that Libya took for the welfare of Africa.
She lauded the initiative that Libya launched in collaboration with UNESCO to rekindle the African history and coordinate African curricula.
She reviewed the joint projects and schemes that the AU is conducting with UNESCO, calling for upholding to African values.

The Leader of the Revolution, Chairman of the African Union, on Tuesday inaugurated the 3rd meeting of the Forum of Regional and Sub-regional Organizations to Promote Cooperation between UNESCO and the African Union.
The leader lauded the important forum that practically embodies a facet of international cooperation, to make the international community a community of peace and cooperation.

The following is the text of the leader's speech:
(In the name of Allah
Dear gentlemen;
Dear brother President Yaya Boni of the Republic of Benin, incumbent Chairman of the CEN-SAD Community:
I am honored to be given the opportunity and address this important forum, which practically embodies a facet of international cooperation.
This how we want to the international community to be, a community of cooperation and peace, its efforts should be directed to culture, science, economy, and people's and environment's interest, and not to direct its efforts to what we see no towards wars, interfering into internal affairs, conspiracy, creating problems, and undermining stability and security in the world, just as in a number of regions in the world.

The problems facing Africa today for example, are not the making of the Africans, but the making of foreign forces that have political and economic ambitions in Africa.
It is not a secret that we have uncovered with unequivocal material evidence that the Darfur problem is motivated by foreign forces, after we have discovered that some dominating rebel forces in Darfur have opened offices in Tel Aviv, and meet with soldiers there to fuel the flame in Darfur.
And if Tel Aviv is behind Darfur for example, then why do we holding Al-Bashir and the government of Sudan accountable, since the problem is the creation of a foreign force?
The International Criminal Court, the United Nations and the international community should hold accountable the foreign side behind this tragic event, it is responsible for the tragedy.
As they say "I f the reason is known, one would not wonder", when we used to wonder how can a problem between two tribes over a camel in Darfur turn into an international problem, now we know the secret.
Herein, we must end all accusations leveled against Sudan, and level them against the side that turned a camel's problem into an international problem for colonial purposes.

The problems facing Africa today for example, are not the making of the Africans, but the making of foreign forces that have political and economic ambitions in Africa.

It is not a secret that we have uncovered with unequivocal material evidence that the Darfur problem is motivated by foreign forces, after we have discovered that some dominating rebel forces in Darfur have opened offices in Tel Aviv, and meet with soldiers there to fuel the flame in Darfur.

And if Tel Aviv is behind Darfur for example, then why do we holding Al-Bashir and the government of Sudan accountable, since the problem is the creation of a foreign force?

The International Criminal Court, the United Nations and the international community should hold accountable the foreign side behind this tragic event, it is responsible for the tragedy.
As they say "I f the reason is known, one would not wonder", when we used to wonder how can a problem between two tribes over a camel in Darfur turn into an international problem, now we know the secret.

Herein, we must end all accusations leveled against Sudan, and level them against the side that turned a camel's problem into an international problem for colonial purposes.

However, this forum is another example and facet of what international cooperation and efforts should be.
The wonderful cooperation between UNESCO, which is an international organization specialized in education, science and culture, and Africa, we must encourage such cooperation and the world must head towards this positive direction and not against it.
As you know, even Mauritania has fallen in an internal problem...the power for struggle, just as in every place in the world, the struggle for power within Mauritania and its people, foreign circle rejoiced, just in Darfur, they want to turn it from a camel problem into an international problem.

We are warning these sides from the repercussions of this exposed and insolent policy.

We are telling them to "stop, do not interfere into Africa's internal problems, Africa is capable of resolving its own problems, and when you interfere, you only complicate it".

There was a three hundred year conflict in northern Ireland between Britain and Ireland and no one interfered, and finally, the Irish and Britons resolved the problem among themselves.
There are numerous problems in Europe and north America, and we have not interfered, why are they interfering into our problems?
We do not want any help from them, if their help ignites the flame of unrest and wars, and turn a small problem into a big one, we don't want any help, leave us alone, and even is these problems go on for decades, we are responsible.

All of this is to esteem this gathering and this forum, which is the example we wish and encourage and wish it for the entire world, to cooperate just we are doing here in this international forum.
For regions taking part in this forum, we salute them and welcome them in Libya.

However, in the presence of the representatives of these regions in this forum, I want to present a brief idea on these regions:
There were regions created to after we, the Africans, sensed that the Organization of African Unity have failed, we sensed that it has accomplished its task, which was the stage of liberating Africa, but when the world changed, it changed around us and we have not changed, we were going in circles for 40 years.

A matter that made us begin to think about creating anything that is positive and fruitful, especially from the economic point of view, which could make up for the failure of the Organization of African Unity that did nothing but hold regular meetings where presidents meet annually.

These periodical gatherings in every African capital, were entertainments for the presidents to host the conference, every one in every year and chairs the conference, without any jurisdiction naturally, just as it is now, without any jurisdiction.
Neighboring country consult and meet, and could have done something to fill up the vacuum and make up for the failure of the Organization of African Unity, especially in the vital and economic fields.

Then afterwards, as an end, to make up for the failure of the Organization of African Unity in the presence of regions and economic gatherings, came the idea of the Sahel and Saharan (CEN-SAD) Community, which was the final attempt after the establishment of all the regions to pave the way for the transforming continent from the Organization of African Unity to the African Union.

The (CEN-SAD) Community is a political gathering, which did not stop at borders of economic region gatherings, rather, it included numerous economic regions that joined "ECOWAS", "CDO", as they say west Africa, "EGAD", "Arab Maghreb Union" and some members of "SIMAC"...it is a political organization which extend from the Comoros Islands to the Island of Sao Tome Principe.

It was the founding stone of the African Union, from this came the complete step, which is transforming the Organization of African Unity to the African Union, on 9/9/99, in the city of Sirte, Libya, all of us people of the region met at the table of the African Union and all of us are members of the African Union and its structures that gather and integrate us.

And just before the establishment of the AU, there was an economic thought that gathers all of Africa and not only regions, to negotiate with the world on Africa's economic needs, which is the new partnership with Africa "NEPAD".

However, the idea of the AU dominated the idea of NEPAD, we discovered another situation which was much better than NEPAD, which was an economic process.

And little by little NEPAD was abandoned, and it was integrated into the AU.I think we can benefit from NEPAD by transforming it into a federal ministry for international cooperation, since the world knows NEPAD and cooperated with it.

Despite all the promises, grants, programs and aid projects for Africa, it remain ink on paper...mere words.And most of it was elections publicity for European and US governments and parties, he who want to win votes of African expats in the US or Europe, and want the support of African countries, they play with our emotions with these promises, that he will ask the EU to allocate a few billions to help Africa, and if he wins, he will give significant aid to Africa of few billions, and all of this evaporates and will give nothing after wining, and we did not get anything until now.

And until yesterday, when the AU Commission met and we reviewed the files, we discovered that no promise was fulfilled which were made by the EU European countries, US, Japan or any other, all of it mere promises.

On behalf of the AU, we will confront these sides with promises they made, will expose them in the end, and we will tell the Africans this an election publicity for these people and they will give you nothing, and if they provide, we will them they provided so and so.

If the AU was not established and NEPAD was not integrated into the AU, Africa would have been in difficult situation.Because without the AU, regions would have turned the continent into five continents, Africa will not remain one continent, rather at least five African continents, according to the number of regions. Each region would have had its own international identity, and instead of the international identity of Africa, there will be five international identities.
Each region would link its economic and political relations with a major global entity, which would lure this region with its great gravity, since the gravity of entities...the major spaces in the world are greater than the gravity of the African region on its own. A region could link itself with the United States of America for example, and another with China, another with Europe, another with India and another with Japan? Regions would turn into multiple conflicting provinces, which would devastate the African unity.

If we thought more and say if these regions were to succeed - which fortunate it did not, and unfortunate for region enthusiasts - and actually came into existence, in addition to dividing the continent into five part and multiple provinces, it could - rather definitely - it would create conflicts, especially if every region had an army of its own, there would be wars amongst them over borders, tribes and rivers.
Since we have a continent with rivers passing through a number of countries, and intertwines with borders of these countries, and sometimes it is at country borders, there would be conflicts over rivers between regions...when these region build dams on a river which another region needs, armies could mobilized and war starts over this river.

Since we have mobile tribes in Africa and were not settled in the past, regions would divide us just as we are now into fifty countries, conflicts between tribes of every region would erupt at borders.
And if regions had an armies, there will be fierce wars just as in Europe in the previous decades.

If each region made its own currency for example, Africa would have five or eight currencies instead of a single currency just like the Euro in Europe of the dollar in America.

There will be problems for people and goods crossing, since African people move...they do not recognize borders, there will be immigration problems within Africa.

For those who are truly sincere towards Africa, they should ponder on the notion of regions, they should strengthen the AU, the crucible where all regions and facts melt.
This in itself calls for a cultural revolution...calls for unitary and cultural curriculums.
This is the duty of the "African and UNESCO" forum.

We value and thank Mr. Matsuura UNESCO 's director general for what he has done and the outstanding work for Africa, namely the volumes that were published containing the general history of Africa.. Because this idea is wondweful , Libya valued it highly , therfore Libya supported Mr. Matsuur's idea and that of UNESCO to publish these volumes that contain the general history of Africa . We are still ready to support UNESCO's efforts to publish the rest of these volumes.

Africa must benifit from UNESCO because we have problems we prefereto be tackled by UNESCO instead of the 7th charter of the United Nations or by International Security Council or any other party that want to intervene in Africa and exploit these problems.
UNESCO is a friendly and peaceful party and it has cordial policies, so we can cooperate with and benifit from.
But that who intervenes with ( Afrocom ), with forces and by plotting . We despise these tough entries which are of no avail to any one or to world peace.

Gentlemen, we are in a big need to UNESCO specially concerning languages' issue. We are one black nation living almost in isolation from the rest of the world, a nation consisting of up to ( 1000 ) tribes , each has its own language and we are speaking in almost one thousand African languages.

Unfortunately, the intelligentsia and this political class learned languages of countries that colonized Africa .. They learned English and French, some learned Portugese and Spanish. Since the intellegensia are the ruling class and they learnt these languages; they have imposed these languages on Africa and its peoples, so English and French Languages have become official languages in Africa and in Organization of African and in the African Union, unfortunately.

IN the AU's statute we decided - because it is a reality - that the official languages are, French, English, Portugese, Spanish, in addition to African languages if found, because we have no assurance that we will speak in African languages like Arabic, Hawsa, Swahili and al-Amhariya. These are distinguished languages , but there is a real historic problem that affects our life, namely the problem of languages.

I see that from now on , in addition to the gains we realized from UNESCO under the presidency of our competent dear friend Mr. Matsuura, we must benfit from UNESCO another very important gain and that is helping us in solving the problems in Africa.
There are those who raised the idea of choosing widely prevailing African languages and teach them to everyone, so that who speaks Arabic in north Africa speaks other languages like Sawahilli, al-Amhariya and Folani for example. THese languages must be part of the curriculum of African student. He must learn these African languages which in the future can melt together and become one language.

Our present situation is wrong, since the intelligentsia speak foreign colonial languages, the rest of the population of around one billion living in forests and deserts. They do not know any of English, French, Spanish or Portugese languages, but they speak their local languages.

You know that Arabs were in Arabia speaking several dialects , each tribe has its dailect , but there was a big tribe named '' Quraish '' to which the Prophet Muhammad ( PBUH ) belongs . Allah chose him an Apostle and the last of prophets and the Quran was revealed to him in the Quraishi dailect , So this dailect prevailed and has become the Arabic language though it was a mere dailect of a tribe , but the Quran imposed it as common language to all Arab tribes that speak different dialects.

Now, Arab Berbers, Arab Tawareg, Arab Fulani, Arab Tabu , Arab al-Quraan and Arab al-Zaghawa .. All these were ARab tribes that migrated before Islam and they came with their languages that they still preserve these languages.

The Arab Berbers or al- Amazegh are preseserving their local language that they brought from Arabia ( 5000 ) years before Islam , So is the case with Atab tribes of al-Tawareg and al-Fulani and perhaps even al-Hawsa, Tabu, al-Zaghawa, al-quraan, al-Amhariya, Affar and Issa which as I said all of them came before Islam , Therfore, they speak dialects of Arabic origin . In other words, they are Arabs , but with their local tribal dialects.

For this reason , they have a problem with language with the exception of those who learnt the Quraishi dialect.

This is a sample.
Africa may take these existing languages and make them prevail by teaching them to our children in schools.
We have to agree on this seriously with UNESCO and to be approved in curriculum .I am ready in the name of the African Union to do every effort to to establish a historical cooperation with UNESCO regarding language in Africa.

We appreciate the presence of Mr. '' Matsuura '' UNESCO's Secretary General and I thank him for his efforts.
We are also honored by our brother and friend the incumbent president of (Cen-Sad) Community, the President of the Republic of Benin, the dear brother president '' Yayi Boni '' who is with us here at this forum and all those figures that represented Regional and Semi-Regional Organizations and other international institutions.
With this, we declare the opening of the functions of this forum .
May Allah grant you all success.
Thank you.


Is it what really happened? Wallahu A'lam.
Keep close, friends!

Senin, 23/02/2009 08:35 WIB
Bahaya Impersonation
Jangan Umbar Data, Teman dan Foto di Facebook!
Penulis: Donny B.U. - detikinet

Jakarta - Jangan terlalu lengkap memasang profil diri dan foto di Facebook! Jangan terlalu gampang berteman di Facebook! Waduh, seruan tersebut tentunya tidak terlalu populer, atau cenderung diabaikan, bagi para Facebooker sejati. Ya memang, karena dengan bergesernya konsep dan ide sebuah pertemanan, maka tak apalah pada kenyataannya kita hanya punya segelintir teman di dunia nyata sepanjang punya berjibun (ratusan, ribuan) teman di situs jejaring sosial.
Seolah-olah dengan demikian keeksisan Anda adalah seberapa banyak teman yang dimiliki. Padahal dengan semakin banyak teman, yang kadang hanya teman sekedar kenal atau bahkan tak ingat lagi siapa dia atau bertemu dimana, maka semakin rentan terekspos data diri kita ke pihak-pihak di luar kontrol kita.
Walhasil, dengan demikian Anda akan semakin mudah menjadi korban 'impersonation'.

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*) Penulis, Donny B.U., adalah penggiat kampanye "Be Wise While Online" dalam program Internet Sehat. Untuk artikel terkait lainnya, dapat dibaca di http://www.ictwatch.com/internetsehat atau http://www.internetsehat.org

( dbu / dbu )


Leader of the Revolution speaks on wealth distribution program, rebuilding people's authority in a new manner

Tripoli, 14.02.2009

The Leader of the Revolution met Saturday morning with Secretaries of the Basic People's Congresses, secretaries of People's Congresses for the Shabias, Coordinators of the Social Popular Leadership, Comrades representatives, supporters of Al-Fatah revolution companions of the revolution and some revolutionary work teams.
The leader addressed two issues on directly distribution wealth to Libyans, and rebuilding the people's authority in a new fashion.
Secretaries of the Basic People's Congresses will clarify what was mentioned in the speech on the two issues to masses of the congresses during a meeting that will follow this meeting.
The following is the text of the leader's speech:

(This meeting is with Secretaries of the Basic People's Congresses, secretaries of People's Congresses for the Shabias, Coordinators of the Social Popular Leadership, Comrades representatives, supporters of Al-Fatah revolution companions of the revolution and some revolutionary work teams.

What's needed is to understand the speech well and convey it to the people's congresses.

The meeting is basically with the Secretaries of the Basic People's Congresses, so that every Secretary of the basic people's congress understands the speech and present it to his congress, and we will see what the congress says, then - as it is known - we will gather the all of the opinion of the basic people's congresses and their decisions, then it will drafted by the General People's Congress in a decision.

Now, it is as we are laying the schedule of the Basic People's Congresses with regards to two issues, wealth distribution and the people's authority.

When we say the people's authority, I don't mean the basic congresses and communes...this is established and exists, but, the mechanism that executes decisions of the people's congresses such as the people's committees.

For those who followed the revolution since its establishment and until now, they would find that I've always addressed and presented two issues...for forty years I've been behind them and I will never relax until they are accomplished, since these two issues were our dream before the revolution, these issues along with other factors motivated us to establish the revolution.

One is the people's authority...the people's authority...people's freedom, we dream that one day the masses will be free, no injustice, no oppression, no restriction and no dictatorship, meaning we were dreaming how could the masses will triumph.

We use to always say:
"Masses have recovered from slumber* What you see filled horizon with their resonance".

These were flaming sentiments at the time.
Now, we want to see the masses coming out from everywhere and dominate.

It began since the establishment of the revolution, where people's congresses were established automatically when we declared that monarchy has ended and that the Libyan people are free and equal, the people's congresses were established automatically in every region and began writing their decision and sending them to the revolution leadership council.

Then came Zwara speech, then came students, laborers and so on escalated operation, all were thrusts towards the people's authority.

Even the congresses that occurred...differences that raised with some comrades, most of it was about this issue...there were those who wanted to govern...there were those who joined me in the revolution since they did not want to govern, while I believed that the revolution would empower the people's governance.
There are a lot of superficial things...if someone were to come and say I will organize the revolution if you name me a minister, an ambassador or something of that sort, we would laugh at him and leave him.
Nevertheless, the people who joined the revolution and accompanied it, they were trying to govern and not the people.
This caused a lot of conspiracies by military people as well as civilians.

The second issue is the only wealth, Libya's petroleum...all the Libyan people should enjoy it - and this is not the first time I tell you oil revenues should be distributed directly to the Libyan families, people's congresses convened when I presented this years ago, they rejected it, they said no, leave the situation as it is-.
Since the only wealth for this country is petroleum, we cannot be reckless while benefiting from the wealth.

If there were other revenues and incomes for the Libyan people and petroleum being one of them, petroleum wouldn't have been of such importance, so as long as it is the only resource...the only revenue, the only wealth - unfortunately or fortunately, I don't know - ...the important thing is that it is the only thing, this is the Libyans living...we purchase arms with petroleum and defend our country and homes, with it we make an administration to provide us with services, it is with petroleum that we make food, agriculture, industry, transportation and the homes we live in...all of it is from petroleum.

Hence petroleum...oil, is an issue that we should not neglect.
In a country such as Libya or Algeria, petroleum is owned by the state - of course petroleum in Arab countries is owned by the ruling families...ruling families that own the land and what's on it, they own petroleum and everything, manages it and gives charity to the people what they think is fair, they gave charity to the people and tell them "it is the property of the ruling family" just as how it used to be in Congo, the personal property of King Leopold of Belgium-.

IN a country like Libya, petroleum is owned by the state, we have tested it...this long time and we are not satisfied with the state's management of this wealth, it is not the fault of individuals, because a lot people have passed through the popular administration, if it were the fault of an individual we would have changed him...and we would have been satisfied with the next one, however, despite we changed him...changed...and changed, and how many people's committees have followed on the administration, we were never satisfied with the administration.

Oil came and once it reached $ 150 a barrel, it became very precious, to an extent that in other countries that had this wealth and people did not enjoy it thought about burning it...thinking about a revolution to take this precious commodity from the hands of the rulers and foreign companies, to posses it since it became very precious, $ 150 a barrel, which was one day 40 cents, less than a half dollar.
Oil price climbed to this extent, and this is what motivated me that it should be distributed directly to the Libyans, however, unfortunately, what we started to think about - this is your misfortune - oil price dropped, then came the financial crisis, $ 30 a barrel from $ 150 a barrel.

Nowadays it is averaging $ 40, and sometimes it drops or climbs, of course we used to think $ 40 or $30 was expensive in the past since we used to sell it for $ 8 until it reached $40 and we considered it an oil revolution.

However, the world is not what it used to be with regards to prices, everything has increased, the problem when oil prices climbed, other commodities climbed as well, and when oil prices suddenly dropped, commodity prices did not, they began dropping but gradually.
There are prices that climbed and will never drop such as gold, it used always range around 400 and could reach 500 an once...it reached 1000 or 1200, and however gold price might drop now, it ranged at about 800, this double the first price, what will bring down?

However, the financial crisis will bring down prices, and eventually prices will come down to level of oil prices, in spite of $ 150 seem to be very expensive superficially, yet it is not, because the dollar dropped at the same time, $150 is not $ 150 it could equal $ 90, prices have increased and oil which we say is $150 a barrel, in fact it is not so...it is as if it were $60, $70 or $80.

We Libyans must have a serious stand regarding this matter.
Firstly: We must have this wealth in our own hands and not to leave it to anybody.
In Libya we all know each other ,, criticize each other and envy each other . You hear those who say this person has become rich because he used wrong means to become that rich . From where and how did he get that ?

Because there is one wealth, namely , Oil the property of all Libyans , Whenever a Libyan show up to be rich and other Libyans envy him because the rich who has no source other than oil and this oil is belongs to all of us . How come you become rich and we are no so like you?

This is the cause of envy and hatred among Libyans.
Is there any rich person in Libya likeable ? Not at all ... All hate him .
If you build a nice house or duplex .. Other Libyans start calling you bad names and wonder how did he do that and from where did he get all that money.. There are some who are illiterate and forms a company though he is known to be poor in the past then become rich fast. How did he become rich that fast , unless he stole that money ? From where did he get that money?
We know what we have .. We have one wealth fund that comes from oil . ... Any Libyan becomes rich in this manner means that he took from this fun one way or another. even if that is a high salary , that salary came from oil.

But if you look at someone rich in Italy or in Spain ; people would not say that .. They do not say this siphoned money because he gained that by other means . They may say he exploited workers , he raised prices and became rich from the high priced goods he sells us . But they do not envy him the way we do .
They do not say Have you ever see that this Italian has become rich from oil .. No, because Italy has no oil and he became rich by other means , the door is open to become like me and in turn they do not envy each other.

They may have workers demanding wage increase from their employers , but they do not say where did you get this . They do not have this notion , but we are the ones who must say where did you get this from ?

The answer is quite clear : '' From oil ''.
This is not permitted , it is not permitted to one rich and one poor in a country depending only on one source , namely , oil which belongs to all . Since oil belongs to all Libyans , Libyans must share this wealth equally.

I have struggled a long time for this matter. You Libyans in people's congresses who practice authority .. are able to hate and criticize each other , but you are unable to be serious in your life.
We want to make the start from oil , we failed , this means the management that we gave it the money did not succeed .
Not the individuals but the administration in general , the state .. the committee is run by individuals change and are different , but the committee is the same.

The matter may be very simple if we govern ourselves by ourselves and received the wealth made from oil and we manage our living without depending on anyone else.

Now, no one wants to run a people's committee , people who respect themselves would say we do not want to be selected to run a people committee , then you start insulting me and accusing me of '' stealing ''.

You take your money and keep it in your pockets , so if you steal from each other , then that is your own business , but not through profession.

This is really taking place in the state management that controls public money spending ; otherwise how come such differences occur among Libyans where you find one living in a tin house while another one lives in a villa. Where did he got that ? There is only one source and that is oil money.

This is the result of depending on the state to do everything and that is done from oil money , we do not want to give this task to the state because I think it failed , public sector has failed.
Hence, get your share of money and mind your own affairs.

What difference is there between the elected people's committees and the committees which people will voluntarily elect tomorrow?, all are Libyans ..we are not afraid that people feel free in every street to elect whoever they want..to make associations and companies and partnerships..to set up cooperatives and import and export..and to set up committees for education, services and communications..what's wrong if people became free..this is your country and you should be free.

Now, if we draw a charter, we will find very big differences , one is in the 5% category and the other is in the 100% category .
Why should I be in the 5% and you in the 100% ? That came from oil and not through personal effort . All of us did not make effort .
Who is that one who became rich through his own effort?
On the other hand, when we give you a dinar , and another and another . and leave you alone , you dinar becomes ten .. and you becomes two and one becomes zero then we say one benefited from his share and the other did not ; but when we give one ten dinars and another one dinar that means the difference occurred from the beginning and this is what has happened. In other words , one gets a share from oil which is not his , so he becomes rich while that one who did not get a similar share remains poor and that is how it started and this is what we have to investigate.

Now you said if it was a stat's project..someone would have obtained a million or so from it, it's true because the state did it..these houses are yours ..they are built from oil money ..someone made money out of them and moved the money abroad..because the state made contracts with foreign companies and the state's employees sign contracts with these companies who give them commissions..this inevitable, even if substituted one for another, he will do the same.
If we bring Muftah to the board of steel factory, a state-owned plant with a salary of 500, and we put him on the board of the cement factory and on board the another companies because he is a friend of ours..we found that one person is receiving so many salaries because he my friend ..these are the state-owned businesses ..
Take up these businesses ..own them and run them ..we discovered that thousands of people receive more than one salary..they were discovered by the General People's Committee, the Secretariat of the General People's Congress and the People's Audit Office ..how come some people take five salaries..where they get them from? this is not acceptable..whatever you do you are not going to end commission, bribery and tricks.
So long as the state owns oil and make contracts with companies ..run education and healthcare and all these projects ,all this will happen.

The solution to get rid of corruption , dissatisfaction and even hatred amongst each other and puts an end to individual inequality and not class inequality , is that we keep oil money in our hands and seek a mechanism to operate that and not to be imposed on us by anyone.
This is Great Jamahiriya . This is the new society , the Jamahiri society and whoever wants to come to monitor that can do so .. The UN and the United States can come and other countries as well as international organizations, so they can see on their own that wealth is in the hands of the people.
All other peoples fight for the sake of wealth .. In Darfur all the fighting where 250.000 were killed was for the sake of what they call ''wealth sharing '' or sharing wealth. .This is not the case in Darfur only, but the '' wealth sharing '' demand spread in many parts in the world since people want to get their share of the country's wealth . They are right , since wealth belongs to all population in society and on equal base.

After sharing wealth everyone minds his own affairs .. he can benefit from that otherwise it is his own responsibility if one misspends his share of wealth.

THey can actually see that there are people who own the wealth where others die to achieve that . They can see that each Libyan gets his share of the public wealth and they can see how people freely create a mechanism for governance , not a ministry imposing to do so and so nor a ruling government and subjects , but all Libyans are equal masters who run their affairs by themselves with full freedom.

Of course the present people's committees are to continue temporarily until people .. people's congresses create an alternative committees without no intervention by anyone because the current committees will hand in to the people everything such as hospitals, schools, institutes, universities, factories, public agricultural projects, public companies and oil money.

After that , we would like to see how you, the Libyan people replace those committees.

Every secretary of people's congress must say this and make it understandable by the masses of Basic People's Congresses, tell them that the present committees will hand in everything they have to the people , but they will remain temporarily until we find the replacement .

This oil money you use it to teach your children and for medical treatment or use it for building a house or whatever you want that will be beneficial , you are free.

For example, in education you receive schools, institutes and universities , those people working in them receive salaries from the state and they too get their share of oil money and they do without the state and its salary.

Of course the present people's committees are to continue temporarily until people .. people's congresses create an alternative committees without no intervention by anyone because the current committees will hand in to the people everything such as hospitals, schools, institutes, universities, factories, public agricultural projects, public companies and oil money. After that , we would like to see how you, the Libyan people replace those committees.

Every secretary of people's congress must say this and make it understandable by the masses of Basic People's Congresses, tell them that the present committees will hand in everything they have to the people , but they will remain temporarily until we find the replacement .

This oil money you use it to teach your children and for medical treatment or use it for building a house or whatever you want that will be beneficial , you are free.
For example, in education you receive schools, institutes and universities , those people working in them receive salaries from the state and they too get their share of oil money and they do without the state and its salary.